Mead Johnson Product 3232 A Formula

    Mead Johnson
    2-4 Week Lead Time
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    Mead Johnson Product 3232 A Formula from is a protein hydrolysate formula base that aids in the nutritional management of infants and children with carbohydrate malabsorption deficiencies. Designed for use with added carbohydrate, it contains protein, fat, tapioca starch and essential vitamins and minerals. Ideal for patients with disaccharidase deficiencies (lactase, sucrase and maltase) andintractable diarrhea. Use under direct supervision of your physician. 1-lb cans.

    Mead Johnson Product 3232 A Formula Features:

    • Allows adjustment of added carbohydrate according to patient's tolerance
    • Hypoallergenic, protein hydrolysate
    • 85% of the fat from medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) oil
    • 1 pound cans, case of 6

    Part numbers: 042521

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