PDI Sani Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes

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PDI Sani Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes from HealthyKin.com remove soil and bacteria AND kill 99.99% of germs. Sani-Hands ALC Alcohol Gel Hand Wipes contain an alcohol based formula as recommended by the CDC for hand hygiene.
In a clinical study, Sani-Hands ALC Antimicrobial Alcohol Gel Hand Wipes exceeded performance criteria defined in the 1994 FDA Tentative Final Monograph, requiring a handwash product achieve >2.0 log10 reduction in a marker organism after the first treatment. The performance of Sani-Hands ALC Antimicrobial Alcohol Gel Hand Wipes is enhanced by the physical removal of soil and bacteria by the wipe, a function that rub-in alcohol-based handwashes alone can not accomplish.
PDI Sani Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes Features:
- Antimicrobial gel rub enhanced by the friction of the wipe delivery system are proven to remove soil and kill 99.99% of microorganisms
- Kills Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
- 15 second contact time
- 70% Ethyl Alcohol formulation
- Clinical study demonstrated higher microbial reduction than an alcohol gel rub
- Cleans and sanitizes hands when soap and water are not available
- Clinically proven to hydrate the skin after repeated use
- Fragrance free and dye free
- FDA Food Code Compliant – Approved for use before eating
- Individual packets ideal for meal trays
- Contains moisturizing aloe, glycerin and Vitamin E
- Convenient quick-pull canisters and individual packet options
- Formerly known as Sani-Dex ALC Hand Wipes
- Tubs contain 6" x 7.5" wipes
- Individual packets contain 8" x 5.3" wipes
Part numbers: P13472, P13472, P15984, D43600, D43600
PDI Sani Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes from HealthyKin.com remove soil and bacteria AND kill 99.99% of germs. Sani-Hands ALC Alcohol Gel Hand Wipes contain an alcohol based formula as recommended by the CDC for hand hygiene.https://www.healthykin.com/images/product/icon/2672.jpghttps://www.healthykin.com//p-2672-pdi-sani-hands-instant-hand-sanitizing-wipes.aspxP13472