BD Catheter Tip Syringe

    Becton Dickinson

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    BD Catheter Tip Syringe from is good for pushing into things where there the plastic taper can form a tight seal. It can also be used for rinsing out wounds or large abscesses in veterinary use.

    BD Catheter Tip Syringe Features:

    • DNR (Latex) free
    • Polypropylene material
    • Cap included
    • Sterile
    • Volume: 1.7 oz (50 mL)

    Part numbers: 309620, 309620, 309620

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      Customer Reviews

      # of Ratings: 74
      1. on 12/31/2024, said:
      I use these for personal irrigation. Other than being a little stiff, they work fine for my purposes. Delivery was very quick.
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      2. on 9/4/2024, said:
      They are ok ,they wear out fast like Chinese products.
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      3. on 1/31/2024, said:
      Fits inside small-saline bottle to flush or irrigate catheter.
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      4. on 1/23/2023, said:
      I have a "g" tube and this product is great for injecting liquids and purees
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      5. on 5/8/2022, said:
      Totally satisfied with the product and the service. It was shipped the day after ordering and received within 2 days. The syringe is enclosed in a transparent and paper enclosure that states the package is 'sterile.' It is simple to remove the covering. The syringe works smoothly with a catheter for irrigating.
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      6. on 4/13/2022, said:
      Works great for our needs.
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      (3 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      7. on 6/4/2021, said:
      I use these in conjunction with a catheter for irrigating. Work well and the price is great.
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      (5 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      8. on 5/17/2021, said:
      Excellent product for those with a "G" Tube
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      (4 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      9. on 3/2/2021, said:
      Just what I needed
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      (2 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      10. on 12/21/2020, said:
      We use these daily for the feeding tube. Great product.
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