McKesson Push Button Safety Lancets


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    McKesson Push Button Safety Lancets from help makes diabetic testing fast, safe and simple.

    McKesson Push Button Safety Lancets Features:

    • Single use only
    • Sterile
    • Latex free

    Part numbers: 16-PBSL28GX, 16-PBSL23GX, 16-PBSL17GX

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      Customer Reviews

      # of Ratings: 61
      1. on 9/29/2024, said:
      Once again - Healthy Kin comes through with superior customer service and had my order on the way to me right away. You can always rely on them for outstanding service. I was out of the product and was so glad they got it to me quickly. Who could ask for better service.
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      (1 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      2. on 9/27/2024, said:
      Product does what I needed.
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      (0 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      3. on 8/6/2024, said:
      My husband is very happy with this product
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      (0 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      4. on 7/31/2024, said:
      Only brand and type I use. Safest way to test my sugar. Risk free of getting stuck with a needle. Best price.
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      (0 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      5. on 7/21/2024, said:
      My usual type and brand.
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      (0 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      6. on 6/23/2024, said:
      These lancets are absolutely great! They do not hurt as much as some others. Aside from the product, I rely on Healthy Kin for the best service in getting the product to me. Healthy Kin is always fast and reliable!
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      (1 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      7. on 1/31/2024, said:
      This product is exactly what I needed vice what I get in reorder supplies from the other medical supplier. This is easy to use and does not hurt like the other lancets I get. AND this company's shipping is fantastic. You get your order within days!
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      (3 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      8. on 12/12/2023, said:
      Cheap and easy for the nurses and patients
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      (3 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
      9. on 8/20/2023, said:
      Quick shipping...great product.
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      (2 people found this comment helpful, 1 did not)
      10. on 3/14/2023, said:
      Great product for the price. Will continue to order when need.
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      (3 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
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