Snellen Eye Chart

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    Snellen Eye Chart from is the familiar chart with the big letter at the top and progressively smaller letters at the bottom of the chart down to 20/20 or better. This is a chart for measuring visual acuity at a distance - in other words, how well you can see things that are far away.

    Snellen Eye Chart Features:

    • Non-reflective plastic
    • Matte finish with green and red color bars
    • 20' distance
    • 22" x 11"
    • Eyelet to be hung easily

    Part numbers: TM3050

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      Customer Reviews

      # of Ratings: 1
      1. on 7/31/2019, said:
      This eye chart is used by doctors offices to check the vision of vehicle operators for dot physical examinations, the font used on the chart is football jersey letters from the 50s, the lettering font used on the national highway systems in the USA is gothic standard transport the dot physical eye test chart should be consistent with the letter style that is used by the DOT, this outdated football lettering is difficult to determine one letter from another due to it’s block and serf style font that has never been used by the DOT in the history of our road direction posting services, this eye chart should be thrown on the obsolete stack and a appropriate up to date one with the correct type face be required to be used for DOT physical testing
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