Oasis 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer

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    Oasis 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer from HealthyKin.com is an EPA-registered, concentrated, no rinse quat sanitizer that is effective across a dilution range of 0.25 - 0.67 oz per gallon of water. It provides a wider sanitization range with maximum convenience. It’s an easy spray and wipe, mop bucket or third sink sanitizer application with no rinsing required. Oasis 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer can also be used to deodorize garbage storage areas, garbage bins, toilet bowls and any other hard nonporous surfaces in odor causing areas.

    Oasis 146 Multi-Quat Sanitizer Features:

    • No rinse procedure simplifies sanitization
    • Quick, convenient application
    • Color-coded so customers know they have the right product for the right application
    • Economical foodservice sanitizing
    • 2.5 gallon jug

    Part numbers: 6100536

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      Customer Reviews

      # of Ratings: 1
      1. on 3/25/2023, said:
      Eco lab quat sanitizer is my favorite. Highly preferred for Walmart and Homes. I'm going to make my personal purchases for the same quality clean. It purifies and improved air quality not just cleans. Clean area,clean air.
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