DentaSwab Oral Care Swabs


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    DentaSwab Oral Care Swabs from are designed to assist the practitioner in providing proper oral care.

    DentaSwab Oral Care Swabs Features:

    • Individually wrapped
    • Paper stick, similar to a lollipop
    • Available with a dentifrice coating or untreated

    Part numbers: 12240, 12240, 12245, 12245

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    Customer Reviews

    # of Ratings: 52
    31. on 6/23/2017, said:
    I found this product to be defective due to the poor quality paper stick. Once wet, the paper stick will soften and fail in a few hours, whereas plastic stick products (Sage Toothettes, etc.) will remain stable all night. This product is not suitable for my application, and I feel that the other selected reviews were misleading. I have replaced these with another manufacturer's product.
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    32. on 6/23/2017, said:
    I am very satisfied with this product
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    33. on 6/2/2017, said:
    We were introduced to this product through the hospital for my nephew and had been looking at various drug stores for them. The ones we found held only a few in the package for the same amount as HealthKin. We love using them and the price will keep us ordering more.
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    34. on 5/31/2017, said:
    These are perfect just what I have been looking for!!
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    35. on 5/6/2017, said:
    They used these swabs in the hospital and told me to get them to keep the threat of phenomenoa down. I love them. They are individually wrapped and very easy to use.
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    36. on 4/27/2017, said:
    My disabled husband is not able to rinse his mouth very well. The oral swabs easily pick up the loose particles in his mouth before I use a soft toothbrush. Great product.
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    37. on 11/4/2016, said:
    Very helpful product. The sponge does not make very tender gums bleed, but is sturdy enough for good oral care. I like the paper stick better than the hospital's plastic stick. The paper stick gives if it is bitten. I wish the paper stick were as long as the hospital's plastic sticks, and that is my only criticism.
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    38. on 10/10/2016, said:
    Fantastic customer service. Product superior!
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    39. on 10/4/2016, said:
    Speedy delivery. Perfect for scrubbing my husband's mouth. Has advanced alzheimers. Sometimes does not let me use a brush, but likes the swabs.
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    40. on 8/19/2016, said:
    Excellent product with an excellent price which beats a competitor which was used by Medicare nursing visits while they were still coming to the house after our 96 yr old mother suffered stroke.
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