BactoShield CHG Surgical Scrub

    SC Johnson Professional

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    BactoShield CHG Surgical Scrub from is a second-generation formulation. New technology allows 2% Chlorhexidine Gluconate to be as efficacious as 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate. Thicker for less run-off and better lathering characteristics.

    BactoShield CHG Surgical Scrub Features:

    • Amber in color
    • Fresh scent
    • 2% and 4% Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHG) options available

    Part numbers: 132239, 132239, 134439, 134439, 134424

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    Customer Reviews

    # of Ratings: 36
    11. on 10/4/2022, said:
    Had skin problems , until I started to use this product
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    12. on 5/1/2022, said:
    Very good product
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    (7 people found this comment helpful, 1 did not)
    13. on 1/28/2022, said:
    First used it before surgery and it cleared up itching skin. Now use it regularly. Will always keep it onhand.
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    14. on 7/12/2021, said:
    I have psoriasis and this product works best for me.
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    15. on 6/12/2021, said:
    I have a handicap daughter with many skin issues and thus stuff works great and keeps everything at bay. Suggestion for users: give your skin a break every few days and use something else or plain water as the antibacterial properties take away good and bad. Just a note….
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    16. on 4/25/2021, said:
    Excellent skin cleanser have been using it for over a year and my skin is clean and clear
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    17. on 4/22/2021, said:
    My husband was told to use this before surgery and I used it as well its great for problem areas we bought several bottles to have on hand
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    (18 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
    18. on 2/9/2021, said:
    Great service fast delivery. Using it before surgery
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    (9 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
    19. on 1/27/2021, said:
    Works great for problem skin issues!
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    (8 people found this comment helpful, 0 did not)
    20. on 3/12/2020, said:
    Can't remember where I got a bottle of this from but I love it. I use it showering. Bought an ample supply!
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